Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hagan Arena and the Open House

44 was on his way out to meet some of the cousins... the Feeneys, McGarritys and Furhmans, but of course -- I was early. So I stopped by Hawk Hill to take a look at the progress of Hagan Arena, formerly known as the affordable Alumni Memorial Fieldhouse.

It was open house and I barely found a parking space! Lots of potential students coming and going. St. Joseph's, along with every other college, was worried 2 months ago if those who promised to come to Hawk Hill actually would, given the state of the economy. I'm happy to say that we exceeded those numbers, by a few hundred. No doubt a determining factor was our crack admissions' team -- who are as photogenic as they are competent!

The lovely ladies of SJU's Admissions Office. Pictured left to right:
Eileen Clancy, Marzena Drozd, Sue Donahue, Grace Amen, Joanne
Kearney and Laura Costa outside Mandeville Hall.

Plaudits to St. Joe's on the architecture of Hagan Arena. It aims to preserve the historic FH facade and, through new brick work, seamlessly weave the old and the new.
54th & Overbrook view. In the center will eventually be three "Saint Joseph's" banners, which will match those at the parking garage between Hagan Arena and Rashford and Borgia Halls.

All under the watchful eyes of St. Ignatius deLoyola, of course ;-)

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