44 Note: I won't compare diseases -- they all suck in their own way. Multiple Sclerosis in particular as it attacks a person when they are in their prime. I'll do you all a favor and not play doctor. To learn about this awful disease click MSAA - About Multiple Sclerosis. I can tell you from personal experience that complications from MS took the life of my mother-in-law. She had Primary-Progressive MS, in which people experience a slow but steady worsening of symptoms.
My wife and sister-in-law had to grow up a bit earlier than most as MS robbed them of a healthy mother when they were kids, and then MS took her life. Fortunately for them they have a loving father who took great care of them and their mother -- and tried everything and anything to make her well again. Not everyone afflicted with MS is so lucky.
So another reason to count your blessings tonight. If you're in a position to help Kevin (aka FlappinHawk) with his bike ride, please do so. Every little bit helps. If you're a Flyers fan -- the MSAA event at Swanky Bubbles in Voorhees is a fun day where you'll have rare access to Riley and all the Flyboys he brings with him! Last year's event sold out so I would get on the stick.
That same sister-in-law, Andrea Griesé, is now the Vice President for Communications & Marketing at MSAA. Should you know someone who has MS and would like more information she edits a great quarterly magazine called The Motivator, and she will send it free of charge. Just click MSAA - Publications.
Please help if you can.
Hi All,
I wanted to thank everyone who has donated to date. I am @ 50% of my goal of $2,500.
Training continues, July was a nice cool month (except for the last week) to train. Riding continues 4-5 times per week.
I will be reminding you about the first of each month to help me with this cause.I understand times are difficult right now, but if you could see your way clear to donate to the MS cause, it would be greatly appreciated.
My wife and sister-in-law had to grow up a bit earlier than most as MS robbed them of a healthy mother when they were kids, and then MS took her life. Fortunately for them they have a loving father who took great care of them and their mother -- and tried everything and anything to make her well again. Not everyone afflicted with MS is so lucky.
So another reason to count your blessings tonight. If you're in a position to help Kevin (aka FlappinHawk) with his bike ride, please do so. Every little bit helps. If you're a Flyers fan -- the MSAA event at Swanky Bubbles in Voorhees is a fun day where you'll have rare access to Riley and all the Flyboys he brings with him! Last year's event sold out so I would get on the stick.
That same sister-in-law, Andrea Griesé, is now the Vice President for Communications & Marketing at MSAA. Should you know someone who has MS and would like more information she edits a great quarterly magazine called The Motivator, and she will send it free of charge. Just click MSAA - Publications.
Please help if you can.
Hi All,
I wanted to thank everyone who has donated to date. I am @ 50% of my goal of $2,500.
Training continues, July was a nice cool month (except for the last week) to train. Riding continues 4-5 times per week.
I will be reminding you about the first of each month to help me with this cause.I understand times are difficult right now, but if you could see your way clear to donate to the MS cause, it would be greatly appreciated.
Click here to visit my personal page.
PS - If you do not feel comfortable donating online, please mail a check made payable to National MS Society to:
Kevin McBurney
4013 Crescent Ave.
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444
PS - If you do not feel comfortable donating online, please mail a check made payable to National MS Society to:
Kevin McBurney
4013 Crescent Ave.
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444
Sunday, August 23rd, 12:00 to 3:00 PM.
Join us for The Second Annual 'Cote Carnival to Knock out MS' on Sunday, August 23, 2009 at Swanky Bubbles in Cherry Hill, NJ.
The carnival will feature Philadelphia Flyers enforcer Riley Cote as well as various other Flyers and Phantoms players, personnel, and alumni who will interact with fans by signing autographs, posing for photos, and engaging in games and contests. There will be food, drinks, prizes, giveaways, and raffles as well as games and entertainment. Riley Cote and Swanky Bubbles urge all Flyers fans to be part of this unique fundraiser that will benefit the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA).
All tickets are pre-sale. Click here to buy tickets! Admission includes food, drinks and entertainment
Sign up to receive email updates on this event.
Proper ID required for alcoholic beverages
Adult Ticket: $50
Kids: $20
There will only be 350 total tickets available so get yours today!
Join us for The Second Annual 'Cote Carnival to Knock out MS' on Sunday, August 23, 2009 at Swanky Bubbles in Cherry Hill, NJ.
The carnival will feature Philadelphia Flyers enforcer Riley Cote as well as various other Flyers and Phantoms players, personnel, and alumni who will interact with fans by signing autographs, posing for photos, and engaging in games and contests. There will be food, drinks, prizes, giveaways, and raffles as well as games and entertainment. Riley Cote and Swanky Bubbles urge all Flyers fans to be part of this unique fundraiser that will benefit the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA).
All tickets are pre-sale. Click here to buy tickets! Admission includes food, drinks and entertainment
Sign up to receive email updates on this event.
Proper ID required for alcoholic beverages
Adult Ticket: $50
Kids: $20
There will only be 350 total tickets available so get yours today!
482 Evesham Rd
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
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